“Is your dog friendly?”

Has anyone ever asked you this? Or have you asked other people you see with a dog? It’s a pretty broad question and fairly misleading if you ask me. I mean think about it; are you friendly with everyone? Yes, some dogs are generally sweet, and even submissive by nature. Some will roll over and submit to other dogs all the time. But I’d say that’s probably only 4 in 10 dogs. And I’d say that most people aren’t going to be overly friendly or submit to a creepy person or someone who you sense a bad vibe from. The point is that a lot of dogs are not going to be friendly with “all” other dogs. That is simply not the nature of dogs. They are dominant by nature, and pack animals who operate on a social structure that is based on a hierarchy. So when you approach a dog that is not in your dogs pack (meaning it’s does not know or live with your dog), then the first order of business for a dog is to establish hierarchy. And depending on your dog or the other dogs experience it will either assume or take a leadership position or subordinate position. You have to get a read on the other dog; watch body language, and go slow with then introduction. There are too many dog fights, and dogs getting attacked by another dog who someone thought was friendly. Be careful! More on this topic to come….


Getting a new dog? Mindset


Housebreaking 103